Helpful Links

I’ve put together several links to websites below on preparing for and responding to disasters. Simply click on the name to go to that website and back arrow to get back to this site.  If you find an informative site, please let me know.
The KnowWhat2Do website has information on preparing for disasters, developing a family emergency plan, and building a 72-hour family survival kit.  This website was written for Texas but most information would apply to Oklahoma as well. is also a great site for preparedness.
FEMA also has information on survival kits as well as recovering from a disaster and health and safety guidelines.
Flood Smart gives helpful information on preparing and surviving floods.
Public Health Emergencies provides information on emergency medical support following disasters.

72-Hr Family Survival Kits

There are many suppliers of survival kits. Simply enter “survival kits” in a web search.  If you want to build your own, check out freeze dried foods at your supermarket or outdoor store.

Oklahoma Specific

211 Oklahoma connects Oklahoma citizens with the services they need.

Ready Oklahoma has contact information for many local agencies.

Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security offers tips on preparedness and keeping informed.

Oklahoma Dept of Emergency Management gives warnings on emergencies and disasters, information on workshops and courses, and programs and services as well as ways to sign up for cell phone, PDA or email weather alerts.

Texas Specific

Ready Texas has contact information for many local agencies.

211 Texas connects Texas citizens with the services they need.

TX Prepares has great hints on getting ready

Texas Dept of Emergency Management has quite a bit of information on creating awareness on disasters and disaster recovery.
Texas Disaster Assistance Program is under the TX Health and Human Services Commission and gives the types of assistance available, who is eligible and who to contact.
Texas Office of Homeland Security has tips on preparation as well as being informed.
Texas.Gov provides information on being prepared for disasters.
Texas Hurricane Preparation gives information on preparing for hurricanes and evacuation routes.

American Red Cross has local training classes and how to get assistance.

Citizen Corps is a place where you can get prepared, get trained, and get involved.

FEMA also offers training, much of it online, for those who would like somewhat more technical training.


MNA Disaster Response has a video on responding to disasters and also has announcements on upcoming training conferences and events.

Disaster Assistance provides a host of programs for applying for assistance.


NOAA’s National Weather Service has updates on possible storms and warnings.

The Weather Channel has updates on  possible hurricanes and tropical storms and depressions

The Weather Underground (no, not that one!) has national maps, forecasts, precipitation, etc.


Don’t forget our brothers and sisters in Haiti! The pervasive poverty, impassable streets, lack of sanitation, destroyed or damaged churches, cholera, and over 1,000,000 people living in flimsy shelters are almost impossible to comprehend when you hear about it and worse when you see it. Here are some websites where you can find out how you can help:

El Shaddai Ministries, led by PCA Teaching Elder Dony St Germain, is meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the Haitian people.

Great Commission Alliance, led by PCA Teaching Elder Brian Kelso, also meets the physical and spiritual needs of the Haitian people.

Mission to the World is the official arm of the PCA outside of Canada and the U.S. in providing disaster relief.

Grace Medical Outreach Ministry is headed by Dr Wiley Smith of Grace PCA, Dalton, GA, who leads medical teams to Haiti.

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